Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Worry Less & Enjoy More

  Worry less & enjoy more; that is my new found life long mantra. Since having kids I have been worrying too much. Will they be happy balanced people? Will they have a good education? Will I be a good mother? Will I be able to provide for them? Can Dann and I make all of this work?
   A week of quiet time has really given me time to think about it and I hit an epiphany. I can worry all the time from one thing to the next but it does nothing but stress me out and if I am stressed that will only make things harder for them.
  Then I finally came to the conclusion; when my kids are grown and don`t need me as much I am not going to say to myself "I really wish I had worried more." I am going to say "I wish I had enjoyed it more." So many people have told me it goes by so fast and enjoy it. So I will keep telling myself worry less and enjoy more.

1 comment:

Grace said...

Amen!!! Sometimes I feel like it takes Wyatt forever to get to a stage or something and then other times I blink and he already seems so big. Its so hard when everyone is running around all the time to just enjoy life with kids esp. because kids can be really stressful. I fully agree with you it is so much better to just treasure all the awesomeness of this time.