Trying to keep my New Years resolution. All the laundry was clean for about a day. Then I kept cleaning and folding but not putting away so now I have a clean laundry mountain by my bedside. Every time I look at it I feel guilt and so it must be all put away.
I know things are going to be a lot easier for getting ready in the morning once everything is organized and that means no things on the floor. This will be an amazing feat but I am determined to make this happen!
The girls couldn't find anything to wear and Sarah has gotten to the point where she is very picky about clothing and will only wear jeans. So I've got to keep those jeans clean and folded away! Might as well put the rest of the clothes away for now because she ends up taking them out of the drawers and not putting them back to look for her jeans.
Their recent art building material is foil too so they keep getting huge sheets of foil and making cool things but the things get smaller and smaller until there are just tiny foil bits everywhere. So I put my foot down for the final time this morning and told them no more foil! Seriously; it's all over their bed before they get in and I have to clean it up every night, all over the floor and all over our tables. So tired of cleaning up foil even if it keeps them busy.
Although they do things that drive me crazy I need to keep accountable for my own mess and the fact that they are having a hard time because I'm not making anything easier by being so disorganized. When they start making huge messes I need to redirect there activity and make sure they clean up when they are done. I need to keep the kitchen clean after cooking and meals and not let it sit. I really need to start getting rid of things because I'm not going to do it all right before I move when I'm already stressing about moving. I've gotten rid of a few things but no where near where I need to be at this point. I told Dann we should just get a company that takes all your junk at once and then we wouldn't have to think about it. I should take pictures in my progress and post it to my blog and shame myself into getting this ridiculousness under control because I know in a couple of months this is not going to be cute. We did nothing to help our messy situation over winter break but we did have a good time so worth it but time to get the ball rolling!
I think winter break is all about relaxing and then you are more charged to start on your new years resolutions. I know exactly what you are talking about with the laundry because I do the same thing. I fold everything and then it sits in baskets until we decide to put it away and then they are all dirty again within a week. It of course doesn't help that I wear like five outfits a day (really I am constantly changing my clothes). It's awesome that you are going through everything now because I can tell you it is so hard when you move. Because so much of our stuff was in storage I was so overwhelmed when I realized all that we actually have. And it is so easy to get tons of stuff when you have kids. It sounds like you have been really working hard! You should post pics of your success so after everything is done you can post it. I actually love going back to my old blog posts from when we had the condo or even when we were at John and Maggie's and taking a look at where we used to live. It is a cool experience. It also helps to remind you of all the cool things and good memories you had even though you aren't in that space anymore. I can't wait until you guys move back. I have really been missing you so much and keep telling Stan that I wish you were here so bad right now.
I will definitely post the finished product. I like that idea much better than the before! I really hope I`m never this disorganized again and ready for the change. I miss you too and can`t wait to come back!
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