We have been very late to school every day. The teachers say it's more important for the kids to adjust to the day naturally but it's so hard for all of us to just get out the door. I told the girls that this coming week we will start the rooster alarm in their room again. They think it's a good idea, it's actually very cute because it crows! Hopefully that will help get things started in the morning. Besides being late things have been going great for them. Sarah has been very excited about making a sword at school this week. We were told about it during the last meeting that the kids will sand and wax their own swords. As soon as Sarah got to school today she asked her teacher about it because she had done most of it except for the sheath, so she finished everything today and was very happy about it. Julia has a class bunny they named Fluffy, their teacher got him from the humane society and he's allowed to hop around the classroom and outside with the kids once they put a fence up. The girls and I have also started gardening; we bought flowers, tomato, mint, rosemary, and a pink leafy bush. Each of us have our own side and Sarah tried to build a wall to separate her garden so we wouldn't walk on her side. She was very upset that I made her stop but Ponyo makes it all better.
Dann and I have been trying very hard to comply with Waldorf methods of no t.v. within reason. We've been letting them watch calm nature shows and only on weekends. A few days ago Dann put Ponyo on because Sarah had fallen on her face and hurt herself pretty badly. Which was a good idea because she felt better right away. It was pretty sad because she kept crying "I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die!". It's healing up pretty well but she basically has a scab starting from above her lip to below her nose and little ones below her lip. She cut her knee and hand too. We were having a lot of fun running up the hill with the dogs and cheering Asia on to run who will rarely walk at a normal pace. So we kept laughing at how cute Asia was. Then it was time to go home and the girls started to run down hill and I told them to not run down hill because they could break their faces. Of course they didn't listen and they ran all the way home down hill. I had Asia and she was done running so I couldn't do much although now that I think about it I should have picked her up and ran after them. I figured they would be ok and they were until Sarah got home and noticed I wasn't there so she ran up hill after me and almost immediately tripped on her face. I didn't know what had happened I just heard her screaming and saw her running. I thought something horrible had happened to Julia or Troy because I didn't see them. Until Sarah got closer and I saw the blood. All I can say is poor Sarah! She was much better by bed time and it should heal within a week or so. I started getting a little skittish when she started lugging around bricks today, was not ready for another trauma so we went back in so she could finish Ponyo. After it's over we will get back to sticking with the program though.
I almost forgot to add that the girls have been enrolled in some extra-curricular activities. Just an hour after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays; Arts & Crafts and Drawing & Painting. I think it's great because they get to sit next to each other while they do something constructive. Sarah said she really liked it and Julia made a Stegosaurus. They have only started Drawing & Painting. This tuesday they start Arts & Crafts and their friend from up the ridge will be taking it too. Should be fun stuff!
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