Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sarah had a great birthday party. It was much better than last years because almost everyone she invited came! My grandma's house is officially the party place. So open, nice big shaded area, pool made with kids in mind, and the marina is right in back of all of this. Everyone had a great time and there were only a few crying fits from the usuals.
It was a really nice way of wrapping up an incredibly long week. My Dad has some big shoes to fill, I was basically thrown in to closing 3 escrows and negotiating a deal for him. It was the perfect way to get experience, I have a better appreciation for what he does, and I can definitely do more for him now. Dann has been amazing through this, he's really been Mr. Mom and has done an awesome job with the girls. The summer has been going good.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I'm glad that her party went well! And it sounds like the summer is off to a great start. I can't wait to see you guys!