Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Sarah keeps getting the funniest ideas in her head and it all comes from one source;her pal Jubilee. This girl Jubilee has the wildest stories and one of the best imaginations that leads to loads and loads of fun for Sarah. The first time she came over to our house she was telling Sarah how she's an Indian (politically incorrect I know but she does have some Native American blood), so she told her although she is an Indian she hasn't learned to shoot a bow and arrow yet but they had to run from the wolves in Sarahs' play house(Sarah is convinced that she is an "indian" too and will get very upset with anyone who tries to convince her otherwise. The next story was about how Jubilee rides around her neighborhood at night by herself fighting Aliens (Sarah hung on to that idea for months but has finally decided she doesn't want to embarrass anyone so she will no longer be Alien Hunting at night). The last great story is "Mr.Black Hat"; Mr.Black Hat is a ghost who comes out at night to take apart peoples bones, he has shadow people as his posse, and cloud streaks in the sky are his ghost streaks. She told me about this yesterday after school and was chasing him for hours; the way you know he is there is you see a black hat. Then when it was time to take a bath last night Sarah was having a hard time listening and I told her that I was pretty sure that Mr.Black Hat only came to little children when they were not listening to their parents, then she decided that Mr.Black Hat was not real. I can't wait to hear what the next story will be!


Grace said...

LOL- that totally reminds me of us! You should write some of it down or try to help her make a story with pictures about her characters and see what happens.

Beth Madden Burdette said...

LOL-I know! I asked Sarah if she would like to write a story about it and she said I should since I thought of it. I'm sure she would get in to it if I started it though.

Beth Madden Burdette said...
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