Sarah was learning about King David, the last of the Hawaiian Royalty. She was very interested and excited that his birthday is tomorrow. So I decided we should go to Iolani Palace; so that's what we did on Saturday, at first the girls said no and then I told them that they could stay home with Daddy and I would go by myself. Julia caved and decided to come, then I told Sarah goodbye and have fun at home so she caved and came too.
We stopped for gas and a bathroom break for me because I had realized that my shirt was inside out while I was pumping gas, whoops! So we were finally on our way, the girls were pulling on each others seat belts in the opposite direction intended so I told them that it was dangerous and against the law, so then they asked if they could hold hands instead so that's what they did until we got to the palace. The parking was pretty easy;parrallel, meter, and in front of the palace gates. Children 3 and under couldn't go into the palace so we did the basement tour and Julia got in for free. My mom pointed out that she is 3 and a half but I didn't think about that. There were so many things for us to see in the basement, there was a whole bunch of black and white prints of the royalty through a couple of rooms with a description of each, there were so many that there was no way we could have read them all with a very antsy Julia. It was very eventful regardless, there was still more to see; the palace dish and silverware, the kitchen, bathrooms(fancy portapotties), Law Room, crowns, staff, sword, feather cape, instruments, badges, and more. We had a good time and hopefully we will go again some time.
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