Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm So Cool

Today I failed my Hawaii drivers' license test. Which is ridiculous because I know all that stuff. I mean I've been driving for a decade. I just have really bad test anxiety which sounds like a loaded excuse but it's the truth. So I have to take the driving part and the written part next week. Hopefully I'll pass or maybe I'll get a bike or bus pass. It's just so stupidly embaressing.
I started Real Estate Class this past week and it was ok. I know I'm going to need to study my butt off so I know the whole thing backwards and forwards. So when that adrenalin creeps up on me I'll be able to still answer the questions. I have two months to study so hopefully if I don't have a drivers' license I'll at least have a Real Estate License. It's funny and by funny I mean very sad because this is the second time I failed the Hawaii Drivers test. Six years ago I took the same test, failed, and then failed the road test. Major De Ja Vu. The only difference was I cried uncontrolabley last time. So at least I'm matureing maybe. Any way, there are far more pressing matters in the world so with all things considered it's not that big of a deal; just very embaressing.


Angie said...

Aww. That sucks! It sounds like the Hawaii test must be harder than Maryland's. I'm almost positive that I couldn't pass the written test if I had to take it again. I barely passed the first time. And I had to take the driving part twice. I think driving tests do not really reflect real world driving very well. And yay for real estate class. I bet that is pretty interesting.

Grace said...

This might explain Maryland driver's. Honestly, I know I would so not be able to pass a driver's test now. I am just too comfortable driving when you take it as a teenager it seems so important so you watch everything you are doing sooo carefully.
So what is real estate class like? Is it pretty heavy mathematics?
ooo before I forget I have a birthday present to send you can you e mail me your address?

Angie said...

I love the new profile picture!