Thursday, June 19, 2008

I started a garden a while back and on Sarahs' birthday we planted sunflower seeds. She got them as part of her present from Aunt Mary. Today they came up and I was so excited. So all day Sarah and I have been just playing in the dirt. She keeps saying she's a big girl and that she wants to share her life with me because big girls share there lives. She really is growing up fast.


Angie said...

Hey Beth, I'm glad I've had a chance today to catch up on your blog! I feel so out of the loop. I hope Dann and Sarah's birthdays both went well. I miss you guys so much!

Beth Madden Burdette said...

Hey, Angie! You are so in the loop. I was so glad you called today it was so nice to talk to you. We miss you too.

Grace said...

That is so awesome, Sarah is the cutest!!!! I love that she says that to you.