Friday, May 9, 2008

This morning I woke up to the dogs barking. The reason for the excitement was a pigeon in the house; pigeons love this house for the dog food. It kept smacking into the window so I went to get something to carry it out. When I got back Asia was shaking the bird in her mouth. I kept trying to get her to spit the bird out. I ended up taking the bird outside with a towel. I didn't have the heart to finish it off. I asked Dann if he could but he was half asleep. I ended up putting it in a ziplock bag and throwing it in the trash after it was completely done; it was really sad; I don't even want to look at Asia now. Who knew a Shitsu could be so aggressive?
In brighter news Sarah is going to preschool on Sept.1. The place is really cute; it's only a couple years old but already pretty well established. There is maximum security, dance, crafts, gardening, great playground area, and they'll have a pet fish named swimmy. I really couldn't ask for more.


Grace said...

Poor Pigeon came in for the dog food and got the dog!

I am so excited to hear about how Sarah likes her school and everything. I think she is destined to be so popular. I am ready to live vicariously through her! Just kidding, but I do think she will do really well, and it sounds like a great place to go to school!

Vincent Grayson said...

lol, yeah Sarah is going to be the social director of the crew haha.