Thursday, June 21, 2012

These Hawaii Burdettes are almost Maryland Burdettes!

 I can't believe the day for us to move is almost here! It's amazing, so many changes have happened with the girls between ages 2 and 4 to 6 and 8, how did the time go by so fast? I'm really glad that they got a chance to live here and know their other half of extended family. Now when my parents or grandparents visit they will know who their grandparents are and I'll be able to send the girls to Hawaii in a summer or two from  now and they would feel comfortable, probably even connect with their old school friends too. Really will be a home away from home for them. The experience of living here has been great and needed for all of us and I owe my parents everything for that gift.

This Monday we will be back in Maryland and I'm ready to enjoy the thunderstorms in the summer and lightening bugs, leaves changing and spiced cider in the fall, snow and winter parties, rain and new growth. I need to eat crabs too as soon as possible! See if I can get a crab cracking get together like we used to have growing up in Bowie once we're settled, although that might have to wait until next summer. I'd love to take the girls fishing and crabbing at Solomons Island one day, another Madden tradition from my childhood.

 I had this ideal home pictured for us with lots of space and a huge yard; might have to wait until we sell our town house but I'd be happy with anything. As long as we're all together in our space ready to start a new adventure. It's kind of funny how it worked out though; two weeks ago, my friend and I started talking about how we both wished I was there and then she said I could stay with her. Started out as a joke and the more we talked about it the more it seemed like a crazy, fun, unreal, fantastic idea! Originally Dann and I were going to wait until he got a job and a place but the more time that went by the more I felt it was time to go; he was looking on the internet earlier that day for plane tickets anyway so it was on his mind. So he got the ticket that he was wishing to get earlier, we were excited about this happy-go-lucky decision, then it sunk in for him and he was freaked out with not having a job, a place, etc. Things have a way of working themselves out because this past Tuesday and Wednesday he had an interview with the same company on both days and an offer from them today! He didn't accept it though because he has another interview on Wednesday but the offering position will be there for him until next Friday. Either way he will have a job by next Friday, this is phenomenal timing and can only make me think that all this is meant to be.

 Life is good!